Sylvia Beach's bookstore in Paris was Shakespeare & Co., which was a cultural center and where among other things James Joyce's Ulysses was first edited.

Figari dedicated the photo to her, which I include, in 1926, and in 1928 he wrote to her from St. James's (click).

My Dear Friend Sylvia:
            I hope that you have taken care of yourself and you are feeling well right now, because you have a clear idea of what duty is, and taking care of oneself is an essential duty.
Our Ambassador has been running on roller skates to very friendly receptions, feasts and ceremonies;  we have even been offered and granted precious decorations.
I still don’t realize how I’ve been able to put up with the series of programs and so many banquets. Mr. Peruzo (my private secretary) has been very kind to me and to all, and has won everybody’s appreciation.
We are all delighted; as to the success of the mission, it couldn’t be more satisfactory. We have been overwhelmed.
Shortly, once I’m back – because there are still more kind invitations – I will give you details if that doesn’t burden you.
I have just wanted you to know that I remember my good friends.
Give my regards to the Autheuils, and receive my best friendship,